Thursday, 19 May 2011


havn't done a post in fucking ages so i though i might share another thing with you guys, even though it's boring as fuck:)
well it failed a little as it's yellowy white, and i need to get purple toner-.- but can't efford the fucker.
and just to tell you my new years resolutions post failed completely as i got suspened the other week for two days-.- and i'mm on my LAST warning, but aah well you only live once i suppose:)
shitting myself for mine and sal's gig this month at the collection but i gotta' do it sometime even though i can't sing:( got a practice gig tomorrow night at sal's house thing thing.
i will try do a better post soon because this one is SHIT:)
love you all, except teigan and maya.
bye x

Friday, 7 January 2011

new years resolutions♥
i have only just now decided to do some because i totally forgot on new years as i was out my head and being sick down the toilet(very attractive sick tho tbh) IT WAS RED WITH BRIGHT BLUE SPOTS FGS! AMAZING♥
my first resolution for 2011 is to -
get my arse together and start doing better at school, to stop pissing about and getting angry. I have decided this today because i got into quite alot of shit today. After getting rudely ended by TEXT! I REPEAT, TEXT! i was very' upset and anrgy, so i kind of went to school the next day pissed off, and as i arrived my art teacher mr james:/ decided to tell me that my DRUG SYMBOLED stretcher was innapropriate, innapropriate my bloody arse crack! and then kept getting all my stretcher took of me because i kept putting different ones in.
my second resolution for 2011 is to-
go to paris♥ with my two besties:') sal♥
and teigan which im not sure what her blog thing is:L
in april we will hopefully if i get my passport sorted flying over to paris for sal's birthday:D which i is very excited about tbh♥
my third resolution for 2011 is t0-
do my homework that i get set:L lol jk, lets face it, that's never going to happen:') because tbh you dont get into any trouble for not doing it so tbh it's pointless!
my fourth resolution for 2011 is to-
learn the VIOLIN♥ after getting one for my christmas present i have decided to learn to play it:') i'm going to get lessons and school a become a ''famous violin player'' lol jk again, i will always be shit at it:) and i'm also going to try get better at playing my uke♥ with sal:') because we are cool like that, and i have just got a new ukulele about a week ago but it's the sex♥ it is red with different tropical fruits on, it's beautiful:')


so, me and sally are now two GEEKS♥ and visit the library at least once a week. we are both sat in the library right now tbh>:) because we are COOL♥